Aiden Jasper Hoisington was born on January 17, 2008. He was born at 3:18pm at 8lbs 6oz, 18 3/4 inches. The night before I was to be induced we went out to dinner, our last time as a family of three. Since the *baby* was craving BBQ, we went to Red Hot and Blue, yummy! Then it was off to grandma & papa's house to drop off Ethan. I cried when I kissed him goodbye and I cried in the car the whole way home. What was he thinking? Did he really understand what was going to happen tomorrow? Did he know that the whole world as he knew it was about to be rocked? Nope, not a clue, I'm sure he slept great that night dreaming of trucks, trains and monkeys!
Once I got home I started to pack my bag, yeah yeah, I know I should have already had it done, but did I forget to mention that I was at WalMart that night till 11:00 picking out the PERFECT pillow case to bring with me!? I had ReJana coming to shoot pictures so I had to look my best!
Once I got everything packed and set up by the front door it was time to sleep, yeah right! I tossed and turned till about 2:15 and finally fell asleep till my alarm woke me up at 5:30. You see, since I was having a photographer at the birth and oh, about 10 of my friends, I needed to look GOOD! Or at least as good as you can while giving birth right? So I got up, took a shower, attempted to shave, scary, and then I straightened my hair and put my make up on. Do you remember when Rachael went into labor on Friends? I loved her hair, and wanted to have my hair like that. Close your mouth and stop shaking your head at me! I am about to have a baby, so I can have my hair however I want ok!
Here is Jennifer:
Here I am, looking even cuter:
Anyways, I felt good so thats all that mattered! We got to the hospital at 7:00 and got all our paperwork turned in and then we were admitted into the same L&D room that I had Ethan in! I was so happy, that had to be a good sign right! As soon as I got my lovely gown on ReJana showed up with her camera and started snapping away! Heather and Tarah showed up about 30 minutes later with donuts and coffee. Yum, too bad I couldn't eat, I could only smell it!
Stay tuned for part two!
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