I know at times I wonder if they really understand the TRUE meaning of Easter...why we celebrate and that Easter is not all candy, bunnies and eggs. I am always asking Ethan was Easter is all about and he can tell me, but after asking Aiden I know we are doing something right. He was able to tell me the whole story of Jesus dying on the cross for us, going in a cave with a big stone in front of it, an angel moving the stone and then Jesus ROSE AGAIN! (He likes to yell this part). I was able to catch part of it on video and I know I will treasure it always. I leave you with this picture of our perfect (to uss) family picture from this afternoon. I love it because:
1. It was after church and the kids had food sitting on the table behind us that was just tempting them, but they let me go crazy and snap a few pics.
2. Did I mention it was after church? They were hyped up on candy from the morning and I didn't hear one complaint!
3. They are ALL looking at the camera! Do you understand what an EASTER MIRACLE this is? Ethan never looks at the camera! This was done on a self timer since we brought the camera to church and then forgot to have someone take a picture of us, so we set it up on the self timer, snapped 3 pics and picked the best out of them :)
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