Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Help please!!

I need to pick a few pictures out for our Christmas cards! Wanna tell me what your favorite 3 or 4 are? Ignore my gaping shirt in most of the pics, that will be fixed in the final pics.


OperaWife said...

So many good ones!

Of the whole family:
01, 02, 33,

Of the boys:
09, 13, 21

La Bonne Vie - The House of Brodt said...

OMG! They are ALL very cute! I think I liked #1 best of all of you though and the last one too!

Misty said...

Great pics! Ethan has the funniest facial expressions, and Aiden has the cutest chubby cheeks and dimples!

My picks:
01, 13, 18, 23, 32

Alissa said...

I say 32 or 33!

Jaime said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! Very cute blog!